The Cross brings healing and forgiveness
Today is the Fourth Sunday of Lent also referred to as Laetare Sunday (Sunday of Rejoicing). Why? because redemption is close at hand. And two weeks from now, we will enter into the most intense period of our Holy Week. On this day also, the priest presider wears a rose vestment to signify that we have to be ready for our Lord Jesus Christ, who will suffer and die for the LOVE of on the cross will be witnessed by everyone, yet after three days, will rise again.
On the first reading from the second book of Chronicles, this story gives reason for rejoicing because the King of Persia, Cyrus, has allowed the Jews to come back from exile to Judah (Jerusalem) to rebuild the temple. Even though they have sinned against God, our Lord maintained his promise of faithfulness to them. In the second reading, St. Paul tells the community of the Ephesians that the Lord is kind and merciful and that in spite of their transgression, he is still there to give them a chance to start a new beginning.
In the Gospel, our Lord assures us of his loving and merciful help. He sent his son to forgive us and give us everlasting life. On the cross, he opened the possibility for us to be saved if and only if we believe in him. Just like the Israelites, he encourages us to continue to fix our gaze on him because no matter what happens in this world, he will continue to give us new life here and after.
Lastly, may I greet all the women, especially the mothers, in our parish, and pray that the Lord may continue to bless each and every one of you in many ways. I know your sacrifices and efforts to stand by in all your daily responsibilities to your family, job, daily concerns, and even failures, yet I can assure you of my spiritual support. Don’t stop believing; just persevere. Congratulations to all of you. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!
With love and prayers,
Fr. Alex

Your Parish needs You!
To assist us with ensuring that we keep you safe and comply with our legal obligations, we require volunteers from the congregation for each mass service to assist us with the evacuation of the church in the event of a fire. Volunteers will be provided with fire safety training for this role which comprises what actions to do in the event of a fire, which is to successfully evacuate the church and aid those who may have limited mobility.
We cannot do this without your help, so please volunteer today!
Pro-Life Rosary
Daily rosary in the chapel after Mass with pro-life rosary Wednesday and Friday. adoration & recitation of the rosary with exposition in the chapel 10-45-1145am. Fridays only.
Stations of the Cross
15th March 6:00pm
Baptism Seminar Schedule
Baptism Seminars for parents of children up to 6 years old.
Saturday, 13th of April at 03.00 PM in the Church Sacristy. To register, please email your name and the name and age of your child to: westcliff@brcdt.org
Lent Recollection Service
20TH March 5:00pm in the church
For parents of First Holy Communion & Confirmation candidates
Blessing of Food for Polish Families
30 March 2024
Easter Bonnet / Hat Competition
Join our Easter Bonnet/Hat Competition!
Entry: Adults £ 5.0, Children £ 2.0.
Showcase your creativity for a chance to win fabulous prizes. Celebrate Easter with style and fun. Don't miss out! Prices to be won.
Easter Hamper

Support our Easter Hamper for parish upkeep. Buy tickets: £1 each or £5 per strip. More tickets, more chances to win! Your contribution makes a difference. Thank you for your generosity!
FIHM Retreat
FIHM will have a retreat on 6 of April from 10:00 am to 16:00
Facilitator: Rev. Fr Jose Costa, FIHM Programme for the day retreat / day of recollection: 10 am welcome coffee / tea in the hall with morning prayer followed by adoration 11 am rosary in the church with confessions —Mass 12pm – Lunch 1pm (packed lunch in the hall ) —- 1-45 pm Themed Talk and discussion with father Jose Costa FIHM in the hall. 3 pm Divine Mercy devotions in the hall. Concluding prayer & 4 pm finish.
Knanaya Catholic Malayalam Community Mass
11May 2024, 04.00 PM
Note: The planned monthly masses for March and April are canceled.
Dates for your diary……
Youth Encounter Gathering
13-14 July

Confirmation Day
20 July
155th Anniversary of Saint Helen’s Church, Westcliff-on-Sea
17-18 August

A series of 4 talks on the recent Synod on Synodality, which took place in Rome last October, has been organised for the Holy Lenten season this year.
We have managed to secure 4 speakers
who were participants at the Synod.
Bishop Nicholas Hudson (Wednesday 13th March 2024) Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster, (former Rector of the Ven English College, Rome), appointed delegate at the Synod last October.
All the Talks will take place at Brentwood Cathedral at 7.30pm. Considering the Bishop’s Pastoral Letter recently this will be a wonderful opportunity to learn about the Synod on Synodality, and this invitation is open to the whole Diocese.
Job Vacancy
Little Company of Mary
11 - 13 Grosvenor Rd
Westcliff on Sea
We are recruiting for a maintenance person with good all-round DIY skills.
Basic knowledge of electrical, heating, plumbing and hot & cold-water service installations is required, with the ability to undertake all general and statutory maintenance checks on the various installations.
Previous experience in a similar role is desirable, preferably in a Care Home environment.
The successful candidate must have a good standard of record keeping and be able to work unsupervised.
Hours: 16 hours over 4 days (to be agreed)
Please submit your application to Icm.ef@btinternet.com
Harlow Water Tower Abseil
The Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society (BCCS) are looking for thrill seekers with a passion for fundraising to take part in Harlow Tye Rotary’s annual Harlow Water Tower Abseil on Saturday 18th May 2024. For all details, please visit our Harlow Water Tower Abseil webpage here: https://www.bccs.org.uk/get-involved/events/ To secure your spot, a £35 entry fee will be paid to the Harlow Tye Rotary Club, with all funds raised through your efforts being donated to BCCS. Please reach out to Charlotte: cwalker@bccs.org.uk / 07986841178 to sign up!
Pilgrimage to Fatima
From 11th to 15th Oct 2024
£ 855.00 Operated by Special Pilgrimages ‘Christian Tours’ For Inquiries, please contact:
Salvatore Burzotta 07753 203129

Sacrament of Confirmation:
Invitation to Join Our Catechist Team
Our parish is seeking enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers to join our team of catechists. Whether you are experienced or new to catechesis, your contribution will be invaluable in guiding and nurturing the faith journey of our community members.
To equip you for this role, we are organizing a special training session led by one of our parishioners, Carmel Allen, an experienced catechist and educator.
If you feel called to this ministry or would like to learn more, please approach Fr. Alex.
Friendship Club!
🌟 Join the Friendship Club of St. Helen's Parish in Westcliff! 🙌🏼 Discover meaningful connections and laughter every Tuesday, 11.00am-02.00pm at the Parish Hall.
All are welcome! ❤️

🌿 Got Green Fingers?🌱 Be a part of something beautiful at St. Helen's Parish in Westcliff. Join our team of volunteer gardeners and help cultivate a serene oasis. 🌸🌼
No Bubble Gum in the Church
Out of respect for our sacred space, bubble gum is prohibited within the Church premises. I appreciate your cooperation.
- A friendly reminder from the dedicated volunteer cleaners of Saint Helen’s Westcliff

📢 Vacancy for Cleaner
We urgently seek committed applicants, preferably with experience, for this vital role in our Parish. For those who are interested, please get in touch with Fr. Alex Poblador, RCJ.
Parish Team Members
Kenneth Attwood
Health and Safety Officer
Benneth Chukwuemeka
Health and Safety Assistant
Lucy and Gary Watts
Safeguarding Representatives
Cherry Ann Castro
Finance Coordinator
St. Helen’s Cleaners

Join the group chat to get the weekly schedule of volunteer cleaners.
100 Club winners
November Lucy Upsher £20, Charles Muscat £15 and Fabian Cassar £10,
December Christmas bonus Dympna Potter £30, Pat Volante £20, Pat Keyes £15 and Anna Baldan £10,
January Rita Conlon £20, Pat Keyes £15 and Pat Volante £10.
Thank you for continued support to fund the parish minibus.
St Helen’s Minibus Service
For parishioners of Saint Helen’s with mobility problems and wanted to attend the 11:30am Sunday Mass; - For those who are interested to join the team of volunteers, please contact Ray Newman on Tel. No.: 07775 769826
Many thanks to all who support the maintenance of our Parish Minibus. If you know anyone who needs a lift to church to 11.30 Mass, please let the office know and it will be handed on to Ray Newman.
Sacramental Services
· For Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals, please email our parish office or get in touch with any of the priests.
· Marriage Preparations: Couples who are planning to get married in or outside the parish should contact the parish office at least six (6) months in advance.
· The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Thursdays 10:45-11:25am; Saturdays 11:15-11:50am or approach the priest to get an appointment.
· The Sacrament of the Sick: Please contact the parish office for requests about visiting the housebound / Care Home residents.
Masses at Saint Helen’s
Weekday Masses: 10:00AM
Saturday Mass: 12:00NN
Sunday Mass: 09:30AM / 11:30AM / 06:00PM
2nd Mass on Holy Days: 07:00PM
No Mass on Mondays
Mass Intentions
For Any Mass Intentions, please see the priests or call them during office hours (Tuesdays to Fridays 9-1pm) Tel. No.: 01702 342324
Mass Intention Envelopes are available Mass Intentions are published in the parish newsletter (available for collection). It is also posted via Facebook Page of the Parish.
Contactless Giving (Temporarily Out of Service)
No cash? Give your donations using your card. Look for the one in-charge of the parish’s card reader and get a receipt on the go or visit the parish website.
Gift Aid
Collection Envelopes 2024
If you are a tax paying parishioner making a gift to the parish, for example putting money in the collection, the Inland Revenue aids us by refunding the tax.
For every £1 you donate we can claim a 25p refund; £1 becomes £1.25 for the Parish.
Our Parish has to pay its own way, what we collect in the Offertory collection plate no longer covers our overhead costs, so the Gift Aid Scheme is our financial lifeline.
The new financial year starts on 6th April so please pick up your new box at the back of the church and check that we have your correct address.
Equally important, if you are a taxpayer and not in the scheme and would like to join and help the Parish please complete a Declaration Form which will be available for you to collect from the back of the church.
If you any further questions please contact
John Upsher phone 01702 347369.
Gift for Saint Helen’s Church
Please consider Saint Helen’s Catholic Church as part of charity in your will. For more information, see the parish priest.
Enhancing security
Saint Helen's Westcliff implements 24/7 CCTV surveillance across its premises. Notices alert parishioners to the system's presence for heightened safety.
The initiative aims to deter threats and ensure a secure environment for worshippers and visitors alike.

Sunday 10 March
09.30am – Children’s liturgy
01.00pm – Baptism
Monday 11 March
07.00-08.00pm – Adoration organized by the FIHM (Presbytery Chapel)
Tuesday 12 March
11.00am-02.00pm – Friendship Club (Hall)
No Bible Study
Wednesday 13 March
10.30am – FIHM Pro-life Rosary (Presbytery Chapel)
11.00am – Deanery Meeting (Hall)???
05.00-06.00pm – FHC session (Hall)
06.15-07.30pm – Confirmation Session (Hall)
Thursday 14 March
10.30-11.30am – Adoration for Vocations 10:35-11:20am – Confession
07.00pm – Legion of Mary Meeting (Sacristy)
(For home visits, please get in touch with the parish)
Friday 15 March
10.30am – FIHM Adoration and Pro-life Rosary (Presbytery Chapel)
03.00-04.00pm – Divine Mercy Devotion (Adoration Chapel)
06.00pm – Stations of the Cross
06.45pm – Perpetual Novena to Sto Niño (Church) during Fridays of Lent. After Lent, the Novena would be back to 07:30pm, Presbytery Chapel.
Saturday 16 March
11.00-11.50am – Adoration organized by FIHM
11.15-11.50am – Confession
12.00nn – Holy Mass
12.45pm – Baptism
Sunday 17 March
09.30am – Children’s liturgy
10:30am – St Patrick’s Day – CWL Coffee Morning after Mass (Hall)
1:30pm – Tamil Mass
5.00-6.00pm – Tamil Association (Hall)
Note: Recitation of the Holy Rosary at the small chapel after the weekday Masses

10 Mar 4th Sunday of Lent B (Rose or Purple)
‘Laetare’ Sunday
09.30am – For Mother Mary (Mother of all mothers); the Rogationist Congregation;
11.30am – For Rubio Family (Thanksgiving); for the family of Gloria Despacio-Reyes; for +John James (RIP); the FDZ Congregation;
06.00pm – For For Joāo and Maria Teixeira; +Camila Reroma Cabo and +Larry Hendricks
12 Mar – Tue. of 4th week of Lent (Purple)
10.00am – For the Parishioners’ Intentions
13 Mar – Wed. of 4th week of Lent (Purple)
10.00am – For the Parishioners’ Intentions
14 Mar – Thur. of 4th week of Lent (Purple)
10.00am – For Vocations to the Religious and Priestly Life
15 Mar – Fri. of 4th week of Lent (Purple)
10.00am – For +Angie McSweeney (RIP) and +J. Carolan (RIP); for Riccardo and Patricia Volante (Wedding Anniv); for Bp Alan Williams, SM (Birthday)
16 Mar – Sat. of 4th week of Lent (Purple)
12.00nn – For Riccardo Burzotta (Birthday)
17 Mar 5th Sunday of Lent B (Purple)
09.30am – For + Annick Johnson; for the Rogationist Congregation;
11.30am – For +Michael Monaghan (Death Anniv); for Sofija Caroline Tan (Birthday); for the FDZ Congregation;
06.00pm – For the Parishioners’ Intentions
St Helen, pray for us!
Send, O Lord, Holy Apostles into Your Church!