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Catholic Women's League

Westcliff Section

Catholic Women's League CIO is a group of Catholic Women of all ages working together and undertaking charitable works of all kinds. We serve our parishes whenever the need arises, socialising together and praying together. We are a positive voice for the church and a group where love and friendship can be found.

The League was founded in 1906 for the education of women and has evolved over the years continuing to focus on charity work in the local community but also looking at national and international issues.

Registered Charity Number: 1173138


Charities and Causes Supported

Breast Cancer Care

Brentwood's Children's Society


Catholic Clothing Guild

Christian Aid

Dementia UK

Havens Hospices

MacMillan Cancer Charity

Medaille Trust

Samaritan's Purse

Show box Appeal

Southend Homeless Centre


Royal British Legion

St. Helen's Church Boiler Fund

St. Vincent's Support for Ukraine Refugees

World Day of Prayer

World Union of Catholic Women's Organisations

Funding Parish Minibus

Celebrating 100 years of Catholic Women’s League in Westcliff Parish

The inaugural meeting was held at Westcliff-on-Sea parish, St Helen’s, on 24th october 1922

The Chair was taken by Canon McKenna who, introducing Lady Petre, the Diocesan President, spoke very warmly in favour of the Catholic Women’s League (C.W.L.). The President then gave an excellent address and was followed by Miss Balfer who explained the many workings of the League.          Fr Gilbert of Leigh and Fr Cameron of Shoeburyness both spoke warmly of the good the CWL could do in a parish.


From that date Sections were duly opened in Southend (Westcliff, Leigh, Southchurch and Shoebruyness).


During 1930’s there was a Jumior Section of the League ion Westcliff – these sections closed and were not re-opened after the War.


The Section today continues to support the parish in all areas of parish life, raising funds for charities at home and abroad, supporting our priests and our community in Southend and praying and socialising together. We also work as part of the national group upholding the Christian voice in this ever-changing world. One of the major efforts we made over the past 20 years is to raise funds and support our parish minibus. We bought the original bus and then purchased a replacement so we continue to help fund the maintenance of the minibus for the benefit of all.


We always welcome anyone who woud like to join us for support of the parish, to make friends and enjoy good company and to pray together. Please contact us through the Facebook page or via out National Website or via the Parish Office

C.W.L. in Action

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