16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass Readings:
1st Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6
Responsorial Psalm: The Lord is my shepherd: there is nothing I shall want.
2nd Reading: Ephesians 2:13-18
Gospel: Mark 6:30-34
From the Parish Priest
We are all called to be Good Shepherds
The gospel this weekend speaks about Jesus’ compassion for the crowd. His heart was moved with pity for them; they were like sheep without a shepherd and he began to teach them many things.
During these difficult times many, if not all, suffer due to the many worries in life. People today struggle to cope; dealing with all the issues they need to solve just to survive from day to day. There are many challenges: the economy is not doing well, many are homeless, there are less job opportunities, anxiety and illnesses abound, the feeling of abandonment due to broken relationships of loved ones and many more. Our society today is obviously facing confusions one after another.
Jesus as the good shepherd is very much concerned about our wellbeing. He wants us to be alright, to be peaceful and happy as much as possible. Yet the contrary is happening. Many of us lack those good shepherds who can help us and reassure us not to be afraid. We need Leaders who are ready to lay down their lives for us because, after all, we are one family in Christ and we should start caring for one another. Jesus’ apostles felt exhausted because the miseries of the human condition are great and overwhelming. That is why Jesus called them to both rest and pray in order to regain their strength ready for their next task.
Brothers and sisters, reflecting on our own individual lives; we sometimes need good and holy shepherds by our side. To counsel and enlighten us, helping us know what to do. Yes, the harvest is so great but the workers are few. We need to pray for more in the Church. This is an urgent call and we have to respond to God.
We successfully ended our YOUTH ENCOUNTER 2024 last weekend. And again it was again a huge success! Honestly speaking, what we had given to our young people was just a fraction of what they actually need in life now bearing in mind the fast changing society they experience every day. In reality, they want more lights guiding their paths in order to secure their future and those lights should come from us. They need us to stand as their good shepherds!
If we step forward, God will supply the rest. Thank you again for your continuous support and generosity help. We just need to continue to pray for them always. And may God enlighten them to make right choices, things that God always approves. They are our future they are the future of the Church and of our community. Amen. (Fr. Alex Poblador, RCJ)
From the Assistant to the Parish Priest:
Divine Guidance in a Chaotic World
The readings vividly portray the divine as the guiding force that fosters peace and unity among humankind.
Jeremiah 23:1-6 uncovers a future evolving under the impeccable reign of the righteous Branch of David. Jeremiah, a prophetic voice during the Babylonian exile, speaks of this leader, who will exercise justice and righteousness and secure peace and safety for his people. The righteous Branch of David - a strong signal of God stepping into the arena of human affairs - reveals a future where the divine plan fructifies, restoring hope and stability.
"The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want" is a profound declaration of faith, portraying a deep trust in God's providence. The shepherd metaphor extends beyond simple provision to illustrate guidance, protection, and consolation, mirroring God's paternal affection for us. It's an idyllic portrayal of tranquil living, fuelled by God's unwavering guidance.
Ephesians 2:13-18, a letter penned by Paul to the Gentiles, communicates the liberating message of unity. Once considered distant, the Gentiles have now been brought into intimate association with God through Christ's sacrificial act. Christ wipes out the animosity between Jews and Gentiles, forging a new humanity from the two disparate groups. Here, God's peace is not merely a calm state but harmonious integration, dissolving barriers that induce division.
Mark 6:30-34 encapsulates the empathetic heart of Jesus towards His followers. Jesus, witnessing a crowd in need, is stirred with compassion, recognizing their state as sheep without a shepherd. Jesus becomes the guiding light by offering wisdom and truth, leading them from confusion to understanding.
With these readings, readers are invited to reflect: How does the divine guide us in our journeys? How can we foster unity and peace in our communities as Christ did? What changes when we view God as a shepherd tending to us, His flock?
Family Connections:
How can your family continue to break barriers and foster unity in your immediate and extended communities?
Guiding Shepherd, lead us towards unity and peace in our homes.
(Fr. Viktor Aurellana, RCJ)
Mga Kababayans
This is just a reminder of our monthly Filipino Mass at Our Lady Help of Christians and St Helen's Church, Westcliff-on-Sea, on July 27th, 2024.
Parish Anniversary
Organizers’ Meeting
2 August is the organizer's meeting for our 155-year parish anniversary at 06.00 PM in the Small Hall. We will request 2 or 3 representatives from each organization that we have in the parish: CWL, FIHM, LOM, Altar Servers Group, Music Ministry, Tuesday Club, African Community Tamil Community, Knanaya Catholic Malayalam Community, and Filipino Community
Baptism Seminar Schedule
Baptism Seminars for parents of children up to 6 years old.
Saturday, 3rd August, 2.30 PM, Church Sacristy.
To register, please email your name and the name and age of your child to: westcliff@brcdt.org
DM Pilgrimage to Aylesford August 2024 Brentwood Diocese
The Divine Mercy Apostolate, London is holding a Celebration of St Faustina Birthday at Aylesford Priory, Aylesford, Kent on Bank Holiday Monday 26 August 2024 from 10 am to 4:30 pm. The reflection day will include teachings on the Message of Divine Mercy, Holy Mass, Hour of Mercy with Stations of the Cross, Adoration and Benediction and Veneration of the Image of Merciful Jesus. All welcome. Call Millie on 07957594646 for more information. Coaches from Ealing Broadway and Victoria
“Adoremus” Festival
On Saturday, 14th September at Oscott College in Birmingham, the “Adoremus” National Eucharistic Congress and Pilgrimage is taking place with representatives from dioceses across England and Wales.
Our diocese has been allocated a limited number of places for this event. If you would like to attend please contact the Diocesan Co-ordinator, Father Dan Mason at frdanmason@brcdt.org by the 1st August. There will be a coach leaving for the Congress from St Edward’s Church, Romford (RM1 4AT) at 8am on the day. There is no charge for the coach or attending the Congress but you will need to bring a packed lunch.
For more information please visit the Adoremus page on the Catholic Bishops’ Conference website: Adoremus at Oscott - Catholic Bishops' Conference (cbcew.org.uk)-Father Dan Mason
Gift Aid Collection Envelopes 2024
If you are a tax paying parishioner making a gift to the parish, for example putting money in the collection, the Inland Revenue aids us by refunding the tax.
For every £1 you donate we can claim a 25p refund; £1 becomes £1.25 for the Parish.
Our Parish has to pay its own way, what we collect in the Offertory collection plate no longer covers our overhead costs, so the Gift Aid Scheme is our financial lifeline.
Equally important, if you are a taxpayer and not in the scheme and would like to join and help the Parish please complete a Declaration Form which will be available for you to collect from the back of the church.
If you any further questions please contact
John Upsher phone 01702 347369.
Tamil Catholic Community Donation
We would like to acknowledge the donation of £600.00 from the Tamil Catholic Chaplaincy, Southend-on-Sea. Your contribution to St Helen’s parish funds means really a lot. Our appreciation also to the leadership of Carmen Hubert and Jaygan Navaratnam and to Fr. Elmo Jeyarasa, the chaplain of the Tamil community.
A 3-bedroom house to rent, preferably within St Heen’s parish.
Please contact
Joyce 07424403254
1 or 2-bedroom flat in
Westcliff-on-Sea or Southend
A member of our parish community is searching for a 1 or 2-bedroom flat located in Westcliff-on-Sea or Southend. It would be greatly appreciated if you have any leads or can offer help. Let's come together to support one another.
To assist, please call the Parish Office directly at 01702 342324.Thank you for your kindness and collaboration.
Pro-Life Rosary
Daily rosary in the chapel after Mass with pro-life rosary Wednesday and Friday. adoration & recitation of the rosary with exposition in the chapel 10-45-1145am. Fridays only.
Dates for your diary……
155th Anniversary of Saint Helen’s Church, Westcliff-on-Sea
17-18 August
Certificates of Catholic Practice
The Signing of the Catholic practice certificates for admission to Catholic Primary and Secondary schools is scheduled for August 28th 2024 and September 4th 2024 (Wednesdays) at 5pm.
Please consider offering help…..
…Your Parish needs You!
To assist us with ensuring that we keep you safe and comply with our legal obligations, we require volunteers from the congregation for each mass service to assist us with the evacuation of the church in the event of a fire.
Volunteers will be provided with fire safety training for this role which comprises what actions to do in the event of a fire, which is to successfully evacuate the church and aid those who may have limited mobility
We cannot do this without your help, so please volunteer today!
Invitation to Join Our Catechist Team
Our parish is seeking enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers to join our team of catechists. Whether you are experienced or new to catechesis, your contribution will be invaluable in guiding and nurturing the faith journey of our community members.
To equip you for this role, we are organizing a special training session led by one of our parishioners, Carmel Allen, an experienced catechist and educator.
If you feel called to this ministry or would like to learn more, please approach Fr. Alex.
Friendship Club!
🌟 Join the Friendship Club of St. Helen's Parish in Westcliff! 🙌🏼 Discover meaningful connections and laughter every Tuesday, 11.00am-02.00pm at the Parish Hall.
All are welcome! ❤️
🌿 Got Green Fingers?🌱 Be a part of something beautiful at St. Helen's Parish in Westcliff. Join our team of volunteer gardeners and help cultivate a serene oasis. 🌸🌼
St. Helen’s Cleaners
Join the group chat to get the weekly schedule of volunteer cleaners.
St Helen’s Minibus Service
For parishioners of Saint Helen’s with mobility problems and wanted to attend the 11:30am Sunday Mass; - For those who are interested to join the team of volunteers, please contact Ray Newman on Tel. No.: 07775 769826
Many thanks to all who support the maintenance of our Parish Minibus. If you know anyone who needs a lift to church to 11.30 Mass, please let the office know and it will be handed on to Ray Newman.
Sacramental Services
· For Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals, please email our parish office or get in touch with any of the priests.
· Marriage Preparations: Couples who are planning to get married in or outside the parish should contact the parish office at least six (6) months in advance.
· The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Thursdays 10:45-11:25am; Saturdays 11:15-11:50am or approach the priest to get an appointment.
· The Sacrament of the Sick: Please contact the parish office for requests about visiting the housebound / Care Home residents.
Masses at Saint Helen’s
Weekday Masses: 10:00AM
Saturday Mass: 12:00NN
Sunday Mass: 09:30AM / 11:30AM / 06:00PM
2nd Mass on Holy Days: 07:00PM
No Mass on Mondays
Mass Intentions
For Any Mass Intentions, please see the priests or call them during office hours (Tuesdays to Fridays 9-1pm) Tel. No.: 01702 342324
Mass Intention Envelopes are available. Mass Intentions are published in the parish newsletter (available for collection) and posted on the Parish's Facebook page.
Tamil Catholic Community Donation
We would like to acknowledge the donation of £600.00 from the Tamil Catholic Chaplaincy, Southend-on-Sea. Your contribution to St Helen’s parish funds means really a lot. Our appreciation also to the leadership of Carmen Hubert and Jaygan Navaratnam and to Fr. Elmo Jeyarasa, the chaplain of the Tamil community
100 club draws
February: F Cassar £20, E Campling £15, D Cauchi £10
March: S Baillie £30, M Davis £20, L Upsher £15, C Allen £10
June 2024 Income
Bankers Orders / Standing Orders
Loose Plate £ 2,188.85
Gift Aid 1,701.60
Contactless 580.06
Total £ 4,470.51
Contactless Giving
No cash? Give your donations using your card. Look for the one in-charge of the parish’s card reader and get a receipt on the go or visit the parish website.
Gift Aid
Collection Envelopes 2024
If you are a tax paying parishioner making a gift to the parish, for example putting money in the collection, the Inland Revenue aids us by refunding the tax.
For every £1 you donate we can claim a 25p refund; £1 becomes £1.25 for the Parish.
Our Parish has to pay its own way, what we collect in the Offertory collection plate no longer covers our overhead costs, so the Gift Aid Scheme is our financial lifeline.
The new financial year starts on 6th April so please pick up your new box at the back of the church and check that we have your correct address.
Equally important, if you are a taxpayer and not in the scheme and would like to join and help the Parish please complete a Declaration Form which will be available for you to collect from the back of the church.
If you any further questions please contact
John Upsher phone 01702 347369.
Gift for Saint Helen’s Church
Please consider Saint Helen’s Catholic Church as part of charity in your will. For more information, see the parish priest.
Enhancing security
Saint Helen's Westcliff implements 24/7 CCTV surveillance across its premises. Notices alert parishioners to the system's presence for heightened safety.
The initiative aims to deter threats and ensure a secure environment for worshippers and visitors alike.
21 July – Sunday
12.45 pm – Baptism
01.30 pm – Tamil Mass
22 July – Monday
01:00 pm – Wedding and Baptism by Fr Alex
23 July – Tuesday
10.30 am – FIHM Catechesis Meeting with
Fr Viktor (Small Hall)
11.00 am-02.00 pm – Friendship Club
06.00-07.30 pm – Bible Study with Fr Viktor
Last session before the summer break
24 July – Wednesday
11:30 am – Funeral +Tomasz Rzepka
25 July – Thursday
07.00 pm – Legion of Mary Meeting (Sacristy)
(For home visits, please get in touch with the parish)
26 July – Friday
10.30 am – FIHM Adoration and Pro-life Rosary (Presbytery Chapel)
03.00-04.00 pm – Divine Mercy Devotion (Presbytery Chapel)
07.00 pm – Perpetual Novena to Sto Niño (Presbytery Chapel)
27 July – Saturday
11.00-11:50 am – Adoration organized by FIHM
11.15-11:50 am – Confession
12.00 nn – Holy Mass
04.30 pm – Filipino Community Mass
28 July – Sunday
Note: Recitation of the Holy Rosary at the small chapel after the weekday Masses.
Funeral +Tomasz Rzepka
Wednesday 24 July, 11:30am
Funeral +Mary Seigel
Monday, 5 August, 12:00nn
Funeral +Peter Woods
Friday, 9 August, 11:00am
21 July – 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
09.30am –For the Rogationist Congregation
11.30am –For Salvatore Burzotta (Birthday)
06.00pm –For Rosaleen Anyanwu (Birthday)
23 July – Tue. St Bridget of Sweden (White)
Patroness of Europe European Feast
10.00am – For Foluke Guevara (Birthday)
24 July – Wed. Feria (Green)
10.00am – For the parishioners’ intentions
11:30am – Funeral + Tomasz Rzepka
25 July – Thu. St James, Ap Feast (Red)
10.00am – For Religious & Priestly Vocations
26 July – Fri. Ss Joachim & Anne (White)
Parents of the BVM
10.00am – For the parishioners’ intentions
27 July – Sat. Feria (Green)
12.00nn – For Carmel Allen (Birthday)
04.30pm – For the Filipino Community
28 July – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
09.30am –For the Rogationist Congregation
11.30am –For Victor & Rosalia Galiza (Thanksgiving), For +Lazaro Galiza (Death Anniv)
06.00pm –For the parishioners’ intentions
The Holy Father’s intention for July
For the pastoral care of the sick
We pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick confer to those who receive it and their loved ones the power of the Lord and become ever more a visible sign of compassion and hope for all.
To receive daily Gospel reflections directly to your inbox, please subscribe.
St Helen, pray for us!
Send, O Lord, Holy Apostles, into Your Church!