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21 April 2024

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Vocation, Mission, and Service

In a world that often glorifies self-centeredness, today's readings offer a radical invitation to love and sacrifice. As we celebrate the 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations, we are reminded that God calls each of us to a unique mission. In Acts, Peter boldly proclaims that salvation is found in Jesus alone, the cornerstone rejected by many. The Psalmist echoes this, highlighting how God can use what is discarded to build His Kingdom. John's letter reminds us of the Father's immense love, calling us His children, though we don't fully grasp what that means yet. In the Gospel passage, Jesus declares Himself the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for us, His sheep. He leads us to eternal life, protecting us from harm. As we ponder these passages, let us discern how God is calling us to serve Him, trusting in Jesus, our firm foundation and guide (Fr. Viktor A.).


Family Connections:

Discuss as a family how you can support and encourage each other in discerning God's call for your lives. Consider ways you can create an atmosphere of openness and trust, allowing each family member to explore their unique vocations without fear or judgment.


Lord, help us hear and courageously answer Your call. Amen.


The 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations

The World Day of Prayer for Vocations, initiated by Pope Paul VI in 1964, is an annual celebration in the Catholic Church that emphasizes the importance of praying for vocations to the priesthood, consecrated life, and missionary life. This day holds special significance for Saint Hannibal Mary Di Francia, a saint known for his dedication to fostering vocations and promoting prayer for this cause. The Catholic Church recognizes the vital role of priests, consecrated persons, and missionaries in the life and mission of the Church. Without their dedicated service, the Church would struggle to effectively proclaim the Gospel, administer the sacraments, and carry out works of charity. By participating in the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, the Church acknowledges the need for more individuals to respond to God's call and commits to supporting them through prayer and encouragement.


Moreover, this celebration reminds the faithful that every baptized person has a role to play in promoting vocations. Parents can foster an atmosphere of faith and openness to God's call within their families. Teachers and catechists can help young people discern their vocations by providing guidance and sharing their own experiences. Parishes can organize events and programs that promote vocational awareness and provide opportunities for prayer and reflection.


In response to this celebration, all the faithful can:


1. Pray daily for an increase in vocations and for those who have already responded to God's call.

2. Encourage and support those who are discerning their vocation, offering them guidance and accompaniment.

3. Create a culture of vocations within their families, parishes, and communities by openly discussing the beauty and importance of serving God and His Church.

4. Contribute financially to organizations and initiatives that support the formation and education of seminarians, consecrated persons, and missionaries.


By actively participating in the World Day of Prayer for Vocations and living out its spirit throughout the year, the Church can ensure a future filled with dedicated servants who will continue to proclaim the Gospel, minister to the faithful, and build up the Body of Christ. As Saint Hannibal Mary Di Francia taught, prayer is the key to unlocking the grace of vocations, and it is the responsibility of every member of the Church to join in this vital work.


Saint Pedro Calungsod

Novena, 19-26 April, 07.00 PM, Presbytery Chapel

Feast day, 27 April, 04.00 PM, Church (salo salo after the Mass, bring food to share)

Family Rosary

29 April, 07.30 pm.


3-Day Clergy Conference

30 April – 2 May 2024 (Tues-Thurs)

No Masses at Saint Helen's


Knanaya Catholic Malayalam

community mass will be on

11 May 2024, 04.00 pm

Baptism Seminar Schedule

Baptism Seminars for parents of children up to 6 years old.

Saturday, 18th of May at 03.00 pm

in the Church Sacristy. To register, please email your name and the name and age of your child to:


Harlow Water Tower Abseil

The Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society (BCCS) are looking for thrill seekers with a passion for fundraising to take part in Harlow Tye Rotary’s annual Harlow Water Tower Abseil on Saturday 18th May 2024. For all details, please visit our Harlow Water Tower Abseil webpage here:    To secure your spot, a £35 entry fee will be paid to the Harlow Tye Rotary Club, with all funds raised through your efforts being donated to BCCS. Please reach out  to Charlotte: / 07986841178 to sign up!

Your Parish needs You!

To assist us with ensuring that we keep you safe and comply with our legal obligations, we require volunteers from the congregation for each mass service to assist us with the evacuation of the church in the event of a fire. Volunteers will be provided with fire safety training for this role which comprises what actions to do in the event of a fire, which is to successfully evacuate the church and aid those who may have limited mobility.

We could not have done this without your help, so please volunteer today!

Pro-Life Rosary

Daily rosary in the chapel after Mass with pro-life rosary Wednesday and Friday. adoration & recitation of the rosary with exposition in the chapel 10-45-1145am. Fridays only.

Dates for your diary……

Recollection of FHC Candidates' Parents

08 May 05.00 PM

Confession of FHC Candidates' Parents

01 June 05.00 PM

First Holy Communion services

8th & 15th June

Youth Encounter Gathering

13-14 July

Confirmation Day

20 July

155th Anniversary of Saint Helen’s Church, Westcliff-on-Sea

17-18 August

Blessed Sacrament Lamp Donated by Rosa Hapkewycz

 We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Rosa Hapkewycz for the beautiful Blessed Sacrament lamp she generously donated to our church. This lamp is dedicated to the memory of her late husband, +Wolodymyr Hapkewycz, as a tribute to his life and legacy. May he rest in peace with the Lord.

Pilgrimage to Fatima

From 11th to 15th Oct 2024

£ 855.00 Operated by Special Pilgrimages ‘Christian Tours’ For Inquiries, please contact:

Salvatore Burzotta 07753 203129

Assistance Needed:

Seeking 2-Bedroom House in Westcliff-on-Sea

A member of our parish community is in search of a 2-bedroom house located in Westcliff-on-Sea. If you have any leads or can offer help, it would be greatly appreciated. Let's come together to support one another.

To provide assistance, please call the Parish Office directly at 01702 342324.

Thank you for your kindness and collaboration.

Sacrament of Confirmation:

Invitation to Join Our Catechist Team

Our parish is seeking enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers to join our team of catechists. Whether you are experienced or new to catechesis, your contribution will be invaluable in guiding and nurturing the faith journey of our community members.

To equip you for this role, we are organizing a special training session led by one of our parishioners, Carmel Allen, an experienced catechist and educator.

If you feel called to this ministry or would like to learn more, please approach Fr. Alex.

Friendship Club!

🌟 Join the Friendship Club of St. Helen's Parish in Westcliff! 🙌🏼 Discover meaningful connections and laughter every Tuesday, 11.00am-02.00pm at the Parish Hall.

All are welcome! ❤️



🌿 Got Green Fingers?🌱 Be a part of something beautiful at St. Helen's Parish in Westcliff. Join our team of volunteer gardeners and help cultivate a serene oasis. 🌸🌼


No Bubble Gum in the Church

Out of respect for our sacred space, bubble gum is prohibited within the Church premises. I appreciate your cooperation.

- A friendly reminder from the dedicated volunteer cleaners of Saint Helen’s Westcliff

St. Helen’s Cleaners

Join the group chat to get the weekly schedule of volunteer cleaners.

St Helen’s Minibus Service

For parishioners of Saint Helen’s with mobility problems and wanted to attend the 11:30am Sunday Mass; - For those who are interested to join the team of volunteers, please contact Ray Newman on Tel. No.: 07775 769826

Many thanks to all who support the maintenance of our Parish Minibus. If you know anyone who needs a lift to church to 11.30 Mass, please let the office know and it will be handed on to Ray Newman.


Sacramental Services

·  For Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals, please email our parish office or get in touch with any of the priests.

·  Marriage Preparations: Couples who are planning to get married in or outside the parish should contact the parish office at least six (6) months in advance.

·  The Sacrament of Reconciliation: Thursdays 10:45-11:25am; Saturdays 11:15-11:50am or approach the priest to get an appointment.

·  The Sacrament of the Sick: Please contact the parish office for requests about visiting the housebound / Care Home residents.

Masses at Saint Helen’s

Weekday Masses: 10:00AM

Saturday Mass: 12:00NN

Sunday Mass: 09:30AM / 11:30AM / 06:00PM

2nd Mass on Holy Days: 07:00PM

No Mass on Mondays

Mass Intentions

For Any Mass Intentions, please see the priests or call them during office hours (Tuesdays to Fridays 9-1pm) Tel. No.: 01702 342324 


Mass Intention Envelopes are available Mass Intentions are published in the parish newsletter (available for collection). It is also posted via Facebook Page of the Parish.

Contactless Giving

No cash? Give your donations using your card. Look for the one in-charge of the parish’s card reader and get a receipt on the go or visit the parish website.

Gift Aid

Collection Envelopes 2024

If you are a tax paying parishioner making a gift to the parish, for example putting money in the collection, the Inland Revenue aids us by refunding the tax.

For every £1 you donate we can claim a 25p refund; £1 becomes £1.25 for the Parish.

Our Parish has to pay its own way, what we collect in the Offertory collection plate no longer covers our overhead costs, so the Gift Aid Scheme is our financial lifeline.

The new financial year starts on 6th April so please pick up your new box at the back of the church and check that we have your correct address.

Equally important, if you are a taxpayer and not in the scheme and would like to join and help the Parish please complete a Declaration Form which will be available for you to collect from the back of the church.

If you any further questions please contact

John Upsher phone 01702 347369.

Gift for Saint Helen’s Church

Please consider Saint Helen’s Catholic Church as part of charity in your will. For more information, see the parish priest.

Enhancing security

Saint Helen's Westcliff implements 24/7 CCTV surveillance across its premises.  Notices alert parishioners to the system's presence for heightened safety.

The initiative aims to deter threats and ensure a secure environment for worshippers and visitors alike.


21 April – Sunday

09.30am – Children’s Liturgy

01.30pm – Tamil Assoc Mass

05-06.00pm – Hall

07.00pm – Novena: St Pedro (Presbytery Chapel)


22 April – Monday

07.00pm – Novena: St Pedro (Presbytery Chapel)


23 April – Tuesday

10.30am-12.00nn – FIHM Catechesis

11.00am-02.00pm – Friendship Club

06.00-07.30pm – Bible Study

07.00pm – Novena: St Pedro (Presbytery Chapel)


24 April – Wednesday

11.00am – +Annick Johnson

Post-Funeral (Hall)

05.00pm – FHC session

06.15pm – Confirmation session

07.00pm – Novena: St Pedro (Presbytery Chapel)


25 April – Thursday

10.30-11.30am – Adoration for Vocations

10:35-11:20am – Confession

07.00pm – Novena: St Pedro (Presbytery Chapel)

07.00pm – Legion of Mary Meeting (Sacristy)

(For home visits, please get in touch with the parish)


26 April –Friday

10.30am – FIHM Adoration and Pro-life Rosary (Presbytery Chapel)

03.00-04.00pm – Divine Mercy Devotion (Presbytery Chapel)

07.00pm – Novena: St Pedro (Presbytery Chapel)

& Perpetual Novena to Sto Niño


27 April – Saturday

11.00-11.50am – Adoration organized by FIHM

11.15-11.50am – Confession

12.00nn-06.00pm – Private Function (Hall)

04.00pm – Feast: St Pedro Calungsod

              Salo-salo after the Mass (Bring food to share)


28 April – Sunday

09.30am – Children’s Liturgy


Note:        Recitation of the Holy Rosary at the small chapel after the weekday Masses.


Funeral Mass

24|04|2024, 11.00 AM +Annick Johnson

21 April – 4th Sunday of Easter (White)

     World day of prayer for vocations

09.30am For Ryan Robin (exams)

11.30am – For Walter Campling (Sick); +Michael Herrigan; Lydia Sinco (Intentions)

06.00pm – For +Gracinda Concecao; +Manuel Teixeira, +Inacia Jardiu, and sons


23 April – Tue.     St George (Red)  

                           National Solemnity

10.00am – For Canon Thomas Bishop (Fdn.Meml.)


24 April – Wed.  St Mellitus Bp of Lon (White)

                          Diocesan memorial

10.00am – For +Mary Monaghan (1st Death Anniv)


25 April – Thur. St Mark Ev.  Feast  (Red)

10.00am – For Ekers Family (Intentions)


26 April – Fri after the 4th Sun of Easter (White)

10.00am – Podgorscy Family (Intentions)


27 April – Sat. after the 4th Sun of Easter (White)

12.00nn – For Tkacz Family (Intentions)


28 April – 5th Sunday of Easter  (White)

09.30am – For +Erin Henry (2nd May: Death Anniversary); for Tracey (Intentions)

11.30am – For the Rogationist Congregation and the Daughters of Divine Zeal Congregation

06.00pm – For the Parishioners’ Intention

April Intention of the Holy Father

For the use of the new technologies

Let us pray that the use of the new technologies will not replace human relationships, will respect the dignity of the person, and will help us face the crises of our times.

To receive daily Gospel reflections directly to your inbox, subscribe.

St Helen, pray for us!

Send, O Lord, Holy Apostles, into Your Church!

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